Student Advisory Council Application Now Available for 2023-2024
The National High School Ethics Bowl is pleased to invite student applications for two vacant seats on the NHSEB Student Advisory Council.
NHSEB Announces New Leadership and Advisory Appointments for 2023-2024
As we look forward to our 2023-2024 Season, the National High School Ethics Bowl is excited to announce a variety of new leadership and advisory appointments across NHSEB’s Administration Team, Executive Committee, and Advisory Board.
Announcing Summer 2023 Community Town Hall Sessions
This Summer, in addition to our recently launched 2022-2023 Feedback Survey, the NHSEB Executive Committee and Advisory Board will be conducting three topical Community Town Hall sessions for real-time feedback—one each in June, July, and August.
Complete NHSEB’s 2022-2023 Feedback Survey
Students, coaches, and organizers: Please take NHSEB’s 2022-2023 Feedback Survey (completable in about 10 minutes) to help us learn, improve, and plan for the future of NHSEB!
CPP’s Outreach Invitational Wins APA/PDC Prize For Excellence and Innovation
Congratulations to our partners at UC Santa Cruz’s Center for Public Philosophy on their selection as the 2022 winner of the American Philosophical Association and Philosophy Documentation Center’s Prize for Excellence and Innovation in Philosophy Programs!
Austin Foushee Profiled By UNC Arts & Sciences
Senior Austin Foushee’s commitment to the National High School Ethics Bowl has helped encourage the next generation of deep thinkers and inspired the program’s first alumni scholarship.
Announcing the Foushee Alumni Scholarship
This Spring, the Director and Executive Committee of the National High School Ethics Bowl are proud to announce the Austin Foushee Alumni Scholarship, and excitedly invite applications from prospective students.
NHSEB10 Recap: the 2023 National Championship
On the weekend of March 31-April 2, the Parr Center was proud to host NHSEB10: The 2023 National High School Ethics Bowl Championship. This event was a special one, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the NHSEB program’s founding in the 2012-2013 academic year
Thull Wins APPLES Teaching Excellence Award
Parr Center Graduate Assistant Delaney Thull is a 2022-2023 recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award from Carolina Center for Public Service’s APPLES Service-Learning Initiative for her work on the Philosophy Department’s innovative PHIL 292 course, Democratic Deliberation Across the Rural-Urban Divide.
Richardson Appointed to APA Committee on Pre-College Instruction
NHSEB Director Alex Richardson has been appointed to a three-year term on the American Philosophical Association’s Committee on Pre-College Instruction in Philosophy. Alex’s term will begin July 1 of this year and run through 2026.
Coming This Spring—NHSEB10: The 2023 National Championship
To culminate the National High School Ethics Bowl’s largest and most competitive season yet, the Parr Center for Ethics is thrilled to announce NHSEB 10: The 2023 NHSEB National Championship. This year has been a historic one, and will mark the tenth anniversary of NHSEB's original founding in the 2012-2013 academic year.
Now Available: NHSEBAcademy Live Judge training Recap
This month, the Parr Center team was pleased to welcome over 100 volunteers from NHSEB Regional Competitions around the country to a series of Judge Training Clinics on NHSEBAcademy Live.
Introducing NHSEBOne Companion Mode
As institutions around the country cautiously return to normal operations in a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, most NHSEB Regional Competitions, too, are returning to primarily in-person events. In 2022-2023, 95% of NHSEB Regionals will be conducted in-person. From the very first iterations of NHSEBOne, it has always been NHSEB HQ’s intention to make its features generalizable post-pandemic, while keeping its video-conferencing centric use model available for scrimmaging, outreach events, and NHSEB’s new Divisional Playoff Circuit. This year’s major update to the NHSEBOne web app, which we’re calling Companion Mode, is a bold initial step in this direction, and we look forward to sharing it with you during the 2022-2023 Season.
The Power Of Ten (Years): 2022 In Review
A Year-End Letter from NHSEB Director Alex Richardson
Announcing NHSEB’s 2022-2023 Divisional Playoff Matchups
Due to the National High School Ethics Bowl’s prodigious growth across the country, the NHSEB Executive Committee has designed a new Divisional Playoff system to replace NHSEB’s previous Regional Playoffs. Starting in 2022-2023, the country’s existing Regional Competitions will be sorted into four geographic Divisions. Each of these Divisions has been assigned to a host institution responsible for conducting Divisional Playoffs in partnership with the Parr Center in order to set the team roster for the 2023 National Championship.
Introducing NHSEB’s Inaugural Student Advisory Council
The Director and Executive Committee of the National High School Ethics Bowl are proud to announce the program’s inaugural Student Advisory Council. These four students were selected for appointment from among a field of over 50 excellent applications, and each will serve a one year term, through July 31, 2023.
Ethics Bowl Featured in Education NC Op-Ed
Check out this recent op-ed by NHSEB Director Alex Richardson and Parr Center Outreach Director Michael Vazquez.
Join NHSEB’s Inaugural Student Advisory Council
As part of its tenth anniversary season in 2022-2023, NHSEB’s leadership team will appoint the program’s very first Student Advisory Council in order to bring student experience to the very center of NHSEB’s programming and governance. Later this Fall, four students from around the country will be selected for appointment to the NHSEB Student Advisory Council, and will advise NHSEB’s Leadership and Advisory Board on all things Ethics Bowl from the student perspective. Appointed students will also serve as a conduit for informal feedback from other students in their respective Competitive Divisions, ensuring that the voices of our diverse and dedicated student population are heard as much as possible.
Introducing NHSEBBridge @ Gravitas: A New Partnership with the Stony Brook School
A new partnership between the Parr Center for Ethics and Gravitas: A Global Extension of the Stony Brook School will bring the Center’s award-winning National High School Ethics Bowl (NHSEB) program to new areas of the country via an innovative online-first competition structure, drawing on the successes of the NHSEBBridge access initiative. Each year, the NHSEB brings together thousands of high school students from across the United States to think, talk, and work together on some of the most complex and controversial moral issues of our time.
Renewing NHSEB’s Partnership With APPE IEB
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of our founding, we’re proud to announce an expanded partnership with the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, produced by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE IEB®). In its earliest days, the National High School Ethics Bowl was based upon the APPE IEB and has enjoyed a close relationship with the organization since, as well as with its creator, Professor Robert Ladenson.