CASE Library

Explore The Issues that Matter.

We excitedly invite you to browse, search, and explore our newly redesigned library of over 300 case studies which render some of the most complex and controversial moral and political issues of our time. These cases were formerly used for official NHSEB competitions at the Regional, Divisional, and National Championship levels. They are freely available for public use under Creative Commons licenses.

The NHSEB Case Library is an excellent tool for competitive preparation, internal or intramural competition, or beyond the context of the Ethics Bowl activity completely—as a classroom resource for Grades 9-12 and beyond.

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NHSEB’s Case Library is now fully browsable by individual case, or by Case Set—using the filters below. Or, if you already know a bit about what you’re looking for, the entire library of over 300 Ethics Bowl cases is newly indexed, referenced, and searchable by title, topic, keyword, year, and category. Each individual case entry contains the full text of the case and discussion questions as they originally appeared for competitive use, all references assembled in hyperlinked footnotes, and additional contextual resources curated by NHSEB HQ.




All National High School Ethics Bowl cases are the intellectual property of the Parr Center for Ethics, and all are freely available for public use under Creative Commons licenses once retired from use in NHSEB competitions. This library represents thousands of hours of work from our Contributing Authors, Editors, and others. Please do not reproduce NHSEB cases or sets—in part or in whole—without attribution, or modify the text of individual cases or sets. If you reproduce or make reference to NHSEB cases from this library (e.g., in classroom materials, academic papers, etc.), please attribute and/or cite those materials:

National High School Ethics Bowl (Ed.), <YEAR>. “<Case Title>.” National High School Ethics Bowl Case Library. UNC Parr Center for Ethics: Chapel Hill, NC.

Browse The Library

Universal Basic Income

Universal basic income or UBI is a guaranteed stipend provided by the state to its people. Ex-presidential candidate Andrew Yang wanted to provide citizens a monthly 1k. Supporters say that this would give the people a safety net when considering and taking financial risk, as well as pursuing their personal goals without worrying about poverty. Others argue this by saying that providing income to those who don't put enough into earning it is unfair to the ones that do, since indirectly these are the people who would be funding the UBI. Should the UBI have more specific terms on who receives it? Is this unfair to those who work hard for their financial success?

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2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard 2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard

Self-Interested Voting

Fang is considered a wealthy professional making about 130K a year. It is election day and she still cannot decide on who to vote for. Governor Date plans to implement a tax increase on wealthy civilians, as well as make healthcare more accessible for everyone. Senator Full plans to make financials easier on wealthy civilians, by decreasing tax on them. Personally, Fang benefits more from Full, but she knows generally and morally she should vote for Date. Should Fang vote on what would benefit her more or what would benefit most of America?

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2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard 2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard

Ethics Bowl vs. Prom

Jake, a high school senior, made a promise to his girlfriend, who is also a senior, that he'd take her to prom. Jake is also apart of his highschool ethics bowl team along with two other junior members, in which they just moved into nationals. Unfortunately, both events conflict with each other and there's no way he can go to both. There is also no one that can take his place at the national ethics bowl. Jake prefers to go to prom and this upsets his two teammates. Should Jake reconsider, even though he and his girlfriend are seniors while his teammates can try again next year?

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2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard 2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard

Foreign Activists

In 2018 Ireland held an abortion referendum. Pro-life advocates from America travelled all the way there to convince the people of Ireland to vote pro-life. Lots of critics have a problem with foreign\outside opinions and tactics being pushed on another country, especially when these Americans don't know much about Ireland values and culture. Others quote MLK in the sense that "An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Do outsiders have a right to interfere with other countries civil endeavors? Is there a line between the ones they should be allowed to and the ones they shouldn't?

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2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard 2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard

Burning Cash

47,000 acres were burned by an accidental fire caused by a teen who threw fireworks into a canyon. The judge sentenced the boy to $36 million in restitution, 152 apologies to the ones endangered, and 1,920 hours of community service. The judge also stated it is possible if there are no crimes committed and he follows up on his payments, apologies, and hours, his debt will be forgiven. Some say this is extremely absurd due to the likelyhood of a teenager being able to complete this, but the judge states that the debt is equal to the damage he cost. Should this punishment be permissable?

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2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard 2019-2020 National Case Set Katie Leonard

Nandi’s Choice

Briefly after marriage, Nandi was fortunate enough to receive great news. One, he and his wife was expecting a daughter, and he was offered the opportunity to get his bachelor's degree in America. He promised his family he'll come back after his education and left. 4 years later, he was awarded another opportunity to pursue his Ph.D. After a few years, his father dies and they rush back home. Upon Indian tradition, the son must take the mother into his home, but it makes it difficult when they both see different places as home. Should Nandi abandon his academic pursuits in the name of his family?

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Trolling for a Refund

Linda is planning to get married on a budget so she decides to do her own planning, including picking the photographer. Turns out, the photographer that was sent to take the photos the day of was a completely different photographer than the one she met with, and the pictures he took a bit short of ordinary quality. Linda tries multiple times to contact the company for a refund, but each time was met with no response. Linda's reaction was to notify everyone who attended the wedding to blast the company with bad reviews, but Linda's best friend, Viola, has always been against trolling. This hesitation is causing conflict in the relationship. Should Viola give into what her friend wants for the sake of the relationship?

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Pride, Inc.

WorldPride planned to be held in conjunction with NYC's annual Pride festival. Lots of LGBTQ members saw this as just a way for companies to profit off of a group that they don't even agree with or truly support, so there was an alernate event held. Many companies provide sponsership to events like these, meanwhile they contradict themselves with also aiding other entities that are anti-LGBTQ, giving members of the community a reason to believe the companies are solely here for their own profit. Although, as these events become increasingly popular, it gets harder and harder to refuse any help from mega-corporations. Should the mega-corporations financial aid enough in this social justice movement?

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Digital Blackface

Blackface is when a white actor assumes a black identity for means of humor. In the 21st century, it has taken more of a digital form, like GIFs, memes, videos, and etc. However, this humor is often seen as extremely offensive, especially when the character is playing to the negative stereotypes of African-Americans. Some people don't see it this way, and claim that shunning blackface puts a barrier around the grounds of humor, segregating what comdians and actors alike can do based off race. Should white people be more thoughtful in their use of humor involving a black person? Should digital blackface be banned all together, or will that be too restricting.

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Involuntary Commitment

Involuntary commitment, when an addict's family admits them into a facility without their consent, is becoming increasingly popular. They often see it as the last line of defense and if the addict won't do it for themselves it's up to them. Some states include prison into some of the facilites an addict can be admitted to instead of a regular rehabilition center. Is it wrong to interfere with someone's life if it is for a perceived better good? Is admitting an addict to a prison around violent criminals morally wrong?

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Project Prevention

Project Provention aims to stop drug addicts from having kids due to the negative stigma of how they treat their children. There are a number of critics u[on this topic, due to the fact that the project seems to be taking advantage of people when they are in no shape to make the judgement of sterilization or not. Is it wrong to offer this to someone going through a drug addiction? Do drug addicts hold an obligation tot their potential children to get better first?

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Is it O.K. to Punch a Nazi?

A public racist Richard Spencer got punched by an unknown assailant during an interview. The incident went viral through memes and online coverage. Spencer now claims that he is worried it might happen again if he spoke his views. Some people think violence is the only thing most blatant racist respond to, and others think since Spencer is still a human being he should not have to worry about being harmed. Is violence a justifiable method in changing extreme political views?

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Flying High

Traveling can bring about great memories, but what most are starting to realize is that those memories come with a huge contribution to climate change. On each trip planes emit an unhealthy amount of greenhouse gases. Although, if one person decided to quit using planes and that way of travel, that would not stop the planes from taking flight everyday. Is there any point in stopping? Do the benefits outweigh the negatives?

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Billionaire Backfire

After the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris wealthy indivuduals rushed to donate their money, giving the cathedral more than what it needed. Even though this act contributed to rebuilding something that symbolized great things, some are sketipcal on why the wealthy acted so fast and efficient for a building, meanwhile they turn a blind eye to bigger issues such as hunger, poverty, environmental issues, and etc. still exist. Others say there is nothing wrong with prioritizing something of personal value when it comes to choosing when or when not to donate. Is there a moral obligation to pick the issue with the most impact? Should the wealthy be called out on how they spend their money?

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Belief vs. Action

Kayla, an environmental ethics teacher, has just been asked to be the adviser of an environmental club due to her perceived envolvement with preaching on how to make the world a better place. Although, Kayla's personal life is an exact opposite of what she teaches in the classroom. She feels like a fraud taking this position, but figures that being able to convince others to change their ways holds more weight than what she allows herself to do. Should Kayla come clean and still decide to advise the club? Is she making the right decision by saying nothing and agreeing?

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Teacher Strikes

In multiple states teachers held a strike to garner attention towards their low wages. Students depend on their teachers to give quality lessons in order to learn material and it is unlikely this will happen if the teacher is stressed out with their low wage. On the other hand, teachers going on strikes causes students to miss these lessons completely, as well as cause headache for some families that depend on their children going to school. Does this violate a teacher's duty? Should states be more appealing towards their teachers?

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Extra! Extra! Don’t Read About It!

Retired Nike executive Erik Hagerman has decided to block all aspects of the news from his life in the name of self care. He feels that since his decision to stay out of politics, his mental health has improved tremendously. Some critize this since part of being an American consist of being an active citizen, especially when it comes to politics. A man of his stature can help in ways most can't. On the other hand, some say that it is his life, so he can do what he wants as long as it makes him happy. Everyone avoids things that stress them out and Hagerman is doing just that. Is Erik Hagerman failing some kind of moral obligation to the country?

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Companionship or Commodification?

There is a difference between service dogs and ESAs (Emotional-Suport Animals). Service dogs spend hours and hours training on how to be both extremely obedient and helpful to those with disabilities before ever publicly interacting with one. ESAs on the other hand usually get their certificates from online and don't require much training if any. Allison sees a problem with this, given that when it is usually an ESA that acts poorly, trained service dogs receive the bad rep from their actions as well. Some people only label their pets as ESAs as an excuse to get them into places they usually can't. Should there be more standards set in place when it comes to labeling a pet as an ESA? Should the distinction between service dogs and ESAs be more distinct?

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To Forgive or Not to Forgive?

The student debt crisis is steadily increasing by the year. Candidates like Bernie Sanders promise to totally delete all debt, while some promise to severely decrease it. Despite how good this sounds, there are a lot of critics surrounding this. Some say it's not fair for others who have handled their financials in a way where they need no loans. Would this policy be unfair to those who went about things differently? Should this policy be accepted to strengthen the middle class, therefore strengthing the economy since they'd be able to actively participate?

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Old-Fashioned Grandparents

Sam has noticed her grandparents have displayed on multiple occassions racist and transphobic traits, as well as disrespect for the environment. Her parents tell her to not attempt to talk to them about it because it would be seen as disrespectful and pointless. Should Sam attempt to talk to her grandparents about their ignorance, despite the chance of it damaging their relationship?

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